Is This Pop Music?

Looking back, there were definitely signs.  Songs like "Black Skinhead" being all over the place.  Lots of fifth hand gossip about Kanye West being kinda crazy or just speaking his mind lately.  Ultimately, because of something I heard a long time ago ("kanye sucks") I have just never really listened to his music other than as a passing interest as pop music.  Well, it looks like I'm missing out on something, even if it is all just an act, it's at least looking really interesting.

What drew me in this time was the article I just read on Vice, "I went to the Yeezus pop-up show last night and now I reek of Hypebeast" because I was 1) curious about the above image, 2) curious what hypebeast was and what it had to do with skinheads/hicks.  I skimmed the whole article (skimmed) and stilllll almost didn't realize that YEEZUS is KANYE WEST.  When I realized my error... I realized there's obviously been a lot of pop culture I've been missing out on lately!

So, if you need to catch up too, here's Kanye's full album Yeezus.  It's actually worth it! wttffff! awwesome, and racially uncomfortable.